Who I am
Hello! My name is Ra'Zim, or just Zim for short. This is my personal website. I am a primarily gay furry . I do what I can to make this world a better place every little bit at a time. You'll find info about me and my various endeavors here.
ZGF Gaming
A furry-based gaming community

Twitch Streaming
Come watch me play!
I stream a lot on Twitch! I've found I very much enjoy doing so and playing various games for others to join and watch. I emphasize interacting with my viewers and welcome others to come chat with me on voice via Discord. I would welcome you all to come join me on Discord and my Twitch channel.
I have formed together a team as well. A team of other furs who stream and work together to succeed together. You should join our Telegram channel via @ZGFGaming.